The Putin-Kim summit produced an unusual — and speedy — flurry of glimpses into North Korea

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The imagery from Pyongyang emerged quickly, notable in its variety glimpses into North Korea in near-real time that showed its leader, Kim Jong Un, grinning and glad-handing with Russian President Vladimir Putin and showing him around the capital of one of the world's least accessible nations.ea..

For those who follow the happenings of the Kim family's three-generation rule, the coverage of the Kim-Putin meeting this week visuals released only by the respective propaganda arms of each government represented an extraordinary flurry of views into a nation where imagery that feels even remotely off the cuff, not vetted and edited ad nauseam, is rare..

The pair marched on the red carpet in Kim Il Sung Square, named after the current leader's grandfather and the nation's founder..

And here were cutaways to the background of a state dinner complete with camera dollies, rooms before the leaders entered and other outtake-style shots that surface less often in North Korea's home-grown imagery..

Also at play: Imagery from the Norths main propaganda organ, the Korean Central News Agency, has occasionally been digitally manipulated before being transmitted; stringent vetting is required before it can be used..

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