Trump allies hope his daughter Tiffany's father-in-law can help flip Arab American votes in Michigan

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One of Donald Trumps emissaries to Arab Americans is a Lebanese-born businessman who moved to Texas as a teenager, speaks Arabic, English and French, and recently joined the Trump family when his son married the former presidents younger

Massad Boulos has taken on the challenge of trying to convince a politically influential community angry at President Joe Biden that Trump is a better option..

But many Arab Americans also note Trump has positioned himself as more pro-Israel than Biden and has made a series of comments and policy announcements that critics blast as Islamophobic..

. Boulos assisted with the 2020 campaign, but his role has significantly expanded since his son married Tiffany Trump in 2022, especially as Arab American dissatisfaction with Biden presented what Trump allies think is a larger political opportunity. ..

This time, he had several meetings with nearly 50 members of the Arab American community, alongside one-on-one sessions with individuals identified as high-target leaders by Mike Hacham, the coordinator for Arab Americans for Trump in Michigan..