Amazon tribe hooked to porn due to Starlink? This is what Elon Musk has to say

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Elon Musk has responded to a New York Times article that claimedthat members of a tribe that lives in seclusion in the Amazon rainforest got hooked to videogames, pornography and social media due to his Starlink internet...

Elon Musk has responded to the New York Times article that claimed that internet provided by his Starlink, a satellite-based internet company, had changed the behavioural patterns of a tribe living in seclusion in the Amazon rainforests of Brazil..

The article had also claimed that some young people of Marubo tribe had begun to watch pornographic content, play videogames and overuse social media...

Media outlets across the world published articles discussing how Musk's Starlink led the tribe to pornography..

Musk's post came after the New York Times wrote a second article on June 11, titled: 'No, a Remote Amazon Tribe Did Not Get Addicted to Porn.' The article tried to argue that media outlets latched on to the porn part of its piece and that the NYT report was based on the allegations by a tribal leader...