Paul Ryan tears into ‘unfit’ Trump over ‘RINO’ remark: ‘I got death, taxes and weird stuff from…’

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Former Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) lambasted former President Donald Trump over his lack of character and principles, reiterating that he wont be voting for him in the November elections.P)..

Speaking to Fox News host Neil Cavuto, Ryan mentioned that "wired stuff" from the former president is something he can expect in his life..

I got death, taxes and weird stuff from Donald Trump..

This comes after Trump in his social media post on Truth Social blasted Ryan as RINO, or 'Republican in Name Only'..

Ryan bemoaned that former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who pulled out of the Republican presidential primary contest in March but continues to receive significant protest votes in subsequent primaries, would not be the Republican nominee..