Singapore Airlines offers compensation to passengers of turbulence-hit SQ321 flight

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Singapore Airlines, on Tuesday, offered monetary compensation and a full refund of the airfare to the 211 passengers onboard the flag carriers turbulence-hit London to Singapore flight last month, which led to the death of one passenger and injured many others...

On May 21, Flight SQ321 en route from London to Singapore encountered extreme turbulence..

In a statement, the SIA said compensation offers were sent to passengers on Monday.. Those who sustained minor injuries from the incident were offered USD 10,000 (SGD 13,500) in compensation...

For those who sustained more serious injuries from the incident, we have invited them to discuss a compensation offer to meet each of their specific circumstances when they feel well and ready to do so, the statement said.. Passengers medically assessed as having sustained serious injuries, requiring long-term medical care, and requesting financial assistance are offered an advance payment of USD 25,000 to address their immediate needs, the SIA said...

Among those aboard, 56 passengers were from Australia, three from India, two from Canada, one from Germany, two Indonesians, one from Iceland, four from Ireland, one from Israel, 16 from Malaysia, two from Myanmar, 23 from New Zealand, five from the Philippines, 41 Singaporeans, one South Korean, two from Spain, 47 from the United Kingdom, and four from the US...