Joe Biden's asylum ban saw drop in migrant arrests at US-Mexico border

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The number of migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border dropped on Friday, a senior U.S. border official told Reuters, saying it signaled a restrictive new Biden administration policy was deterring some illegal immigration...

U.S. Border Patrol arrested around 3,100 people crossing illegally, down roughly 20% from the days before, the official said, requesting anonymity to discuss preliminary figures...

Biden implemented a sweeping policy on Wednesday that generally bars migrants who illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border from claiming asylum..

Since Wednesday, more than 2,000 people per day were put in expedited removal, more than double the previous rate, the U.S. official said.. Questions still remain about whether border crossings will stay low enough to process people quickly and whether U.S. authorities have the capacity to meet their goals...

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