Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer spar in first 'ill-tempered' TV debate, clash over tax

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UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and opposition Labour Party leader Keir Starmer sparred over several issues, including tax and immigration, during their first TV debate ahead of the July 4 general elections..

The debate was hosted by iTV on Tuesday night.. While Sunak tried to present Starmer as an "unreliable politician who was pursuing power for powers sake", the Labour leader accused his debate challenger of being the "most liberal Prime Minister weve ever had on immigration"...

Im crystal clear, I believe all our plans are compliant with our international obligations, but if I am forced to choose between securing our borders and our countrys security, or a foreign court, Im going to choose our countrys security every single time, he said.. Slamming Sunak over the remarks, Starmer, a former human rights lawyer, said, "We will not pull out of international agreements and international law which is respected the world over..

While Sunak said he would use private healthcare if a "loved one was on a long waiting list for an operation", Starmer replied that he would not and would rely on the NHS alone.. Meanwhile, the points on which the two seem to agree on were not to raise income tax, national insurance or VAT, as well as working with former US President Donald Trump if he returned to the White House following the November 5 presidential election...

After 14 years in opposition, the Labour Party now has the chance to win back power with Starmer at the helm.. Polls have placed Labour on average at 45 per cent of voting intentions, against 23 per cent for the ruling Conservative Party, suggesting that, given the simple-majority voting system, the opposition will enjoy a very large win...

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