Iran's snap presidential vote: All you need to know

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Eighty Iranians have registered their candidacy for the country's June 28 presidential elections, brought forward by the death of Ebrahim Raisi, but many may still be disqualified before campaigning begins...

Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad poses for a picture as he registers his candidacy for Iran's upcoming presidential election in Tehran on June 2, 2024..

At the end of the five-day registration period on Monday, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi said 80 presidential hopefuls have submitted their candidacy..

Other senior figures in the Islamic republic are also in the running: current parliament speaker Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, a conservative, former speaker Ali Larijani, a moderate figure, and Saeed Jalili, an ultraconservative former nuclear negotiator..

Unlike many countries, the Iranian president is not the head of state, and the ultimate authority in the Islamic republic is the supreme leader -- a post held by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for 35 years..