Kim Jong Un supervises 18-missile salvo, says it's warning for South Korea

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un guided the firing drill of 600mm "super-large" multiple rocket launchers on Thursday, state news agency KCNA reported..

North Korea says it fired 18 short-range ballistic missiles during a drill as a demonstration of its willingness to launch a pre-emptive strike against South Korea's "gangsters' regime" if necessary to counter an attack, state media reported on Friday.P)..

The report came after South Korea said it detected at least 10 short-range ballistic missiles fired by North Korea off its east coast, and called it a possible display for would-be buyers, including Russia..

The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency said analysis of debris imagery confirms Russia has fielded North Korean missiles in its war in Ukraine, according to a report summary released on Friday..

A separate column carried by KCNA on Friday criticised the deployment of U.S. RC-135U reconnaissance aircraft from Japan to the Korean peninsula on Wednesday, saying the aircraft and other reconnaissance assets by the South and the U.S. infringed on North Korea's sovereignty..

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