Iran enriched more uranium to near-weapons grade level: UN nuclear watchdog

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Iran has further increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to near weapons-grade levels, according to a confidential report on Monday by the United Nations nuclear watchdog, the latest in Tehrans attempts to steadily exert pressure on the international community...

Also as of May 11, the report says Irans overall stockpile of enriched uranium stands at 6,201.3 kilograms (1,3671.5 pounds), which represents an increase of 675.8 kilograms (1,489.8 pounds) since the IAEAs previous report...

Iran has maintained its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only, but the IAEA chief, Rafael Mariano Grossi, has previously warned that Tehran has enough uranium enriched to near-weapons-grade levels to make several nuclear bombs if it chose to do so..

Mondays report also said that Tehran has not reconsidered its September 2023 decision to bar IAEA inspectors from further monitoring its nuclear program and added that it expects Iran to do so in the context of the ongoing consultations between the (IAEA) agency and Iran...

The report also said Iran has still not provided answers to the IAEAs years-long investigation about the origin and current location of man-made uranium particles found at two locations that Tehran has failed to declare as potential nuclear sites, Varamin and Turquzabad...

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