How to Use Technology to Better Pace Your Work

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If your biggest obstacle is inefficiencyyou dont work quickly enough, or you make poor use of your timetech can help you set up a plan for your day and plow through small tasks much more effectively..

While some productivity pros counsel against filling your calendar up with tasks, Im one of those who finds it helpful to block certain kinds of work directly into my calendar, so thatI know exactly when Ill tackle an assignment with a hard deadline, andhave a game plan for how to make effective use of the windows when my energy tends to flag..

Alternatively, close your email and text-messaging programs for several hours at a stretch, so you can keep your attention on the challenging work that requires intense focus (and make sure to adjust notification settings so that you dont see incoming message notifications even when your email app is closed)..

If you want to keep your TV connected to the Internet so that you can still watch your favorite streaming shows after the Wi-Fi turns off, use parental controls on your router to create a separate adult" profile for any devices that need to stay connected at all times (like your TV, or your smart light switches) and just cut off your laptop and phone..

Another way to turn off work is to create different views on your computer(called desktops on Windows machines and spaces on Macs) for different activities. Essentially, you group your open documents or applications into different views, and switch views based on what you want to do at the moment..