Well-aimed policies can enhance women’s employment

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Nearly 20 years ago, in 2004-05, around 57% of women in the prime age group of 25-to-54 years were in paid work in Tamil Nadu (TN) and Karnataka..

While 44% of prime-age women in TN were employed in 2022-23, the proportion was 51% in Karnataka..

With economic prosperity, people usually move out of agriculture and into non-farm jobs. 26% of women of prime age in TN were working in either industrial or service sectors in 2022-23..

Employed young Indian women in urban areas spend around 2 hours and 45 minutes on domestic work, based on data from a time-use survey 2019 (bit.ly/3XbTGYz)..

In the case of high-skilled women, such as those working in IT, a shared auto is replaced by a cab or a company transport, but the former raises commuting costs and the latter makes it hard to keep flexible timings..