Web 3.0 in e-commerce: How the technology will transform online retail

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Web 3.0 generally refers to the next generation of the internet..

In the e-commerce industry, Web 3.0 technology will significantly impact how businesses interact with their customers, transforming how online retail functions. With the global Web 3.0 market poised to grow from $6.8 billion in 2020 to $48.3 billion by 2025, its greater involvement in online retail operations is imperative...

With Web 3.0, retailers can leverage advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain to create highly personalised customer experiences..

Web 3.0 can also enable retailers to leverage blockchain technology, which offers improved security, transparency, and efficiency in online transactions..

As an e-commerce business owner, it is essential to start preparing for the Web 3.0 revolution by investing in blockchain technology, AI, and machine learning algorithms..