Focus on gig workers isn't enough. New report paints bleak picture of India's wage labourers

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The latestreporttitledState of Working India (SWI) 2023 by Azim Premji Universitys Centre for Sustainable Employment points to wage stagnation in post-Covid India..

Its findings have already been widely reported forits insights onstructural changes in employmentin the country.There has been arise in thenumberof regular-wage or salaried workers and a decline in agricultural employment sharewithin the variouscategories of youth, Scheduled Castes (SCs) and women...

The average monthly earning of a regular wage labourer is lowest in West Bengal and Assamat around Rs 15,000 a monthand highest in the hill states of Arunachal, Ladakh, and Mizoramat around Rs 31,000 a month..

Telegraphlast monthreported the delay in the revision of the national floor level minimum wages by the Narendra Modi government.It quoted the Economic Survey 2022-23 to say that the purchasing power of the amount received as wage by workers, known as real wage, has been negated by inflation...

In June 2021, the labour ministry set up anexpert committee to provide technical inputs and recommendations on fixation of Minimum Wages and National Floor Minimum Wages and gave it a mandate of three years.As it appears, the government feelsno urgency in enforcing what the countrys poorest should be paid.Evidently, the government feelsno urgency in enforcing what the countrys poorest should be paid...

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