My boyfriend and I met in an airport lounge and have been dating long-distance ever since

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I'm a travel writer, and my boyfriend is a private pilot.I was sitting at the bar in an airline lounge when he sat next to me; we instantly connected.He lives in Brussels and I live in the United States, but we see each other when we travel...

That evening he cooked the most amazing mussels in herbs and white wine with twice-fried frites made from scratch! which we enjoyed with his 18- and 15-year-old kids, who were more friendly and welcoming than they needed to be..

When we talk about my eventual move across the pond in a few years, or splitting our time between Belgium and a warmer, sunnier place by the ocean, our minds swirl with excitement about being together on a semi-regular basis, knowing we'd both still be traveling..

But I always intended to leave the DC area once my kids graduated and were settled. Janick and I know we're each other's future, and we look forward to the day we can do all the typical things couples do not just meet up on the road for a few days here and there..

I'll ask Janick to describe a Saturday in Belgium together, and he'll fantasize about waking up and having espresso together, going to the market and making stoofvlees (a Flemish beef stew) for dinner, riding bikes to his friends' house for an apritif, and playing a few games of ptanque..