India’s consumption survey: A significant shift amid modest gains

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The Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) conducted by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) shows Indian homes doing moderately better in 2022-23 than in 2011-12..

As outlined in a preliminary Fact Sheet, fresh results from this survey comes after a gap of 11 years, as the last one in 2017-18 was junked by the government for purported faults after leaked findings indicated a drop in consumption..

The 2011-12 round found that the share of food items in rural average monthly per capita expenditure (MPCE) was almost 53%..

Although the MPCE share spent on cereals fell to 4.9% in 2022-23 from 10.7% in 2011-12, this sharp drop can be explained by the governments free food handouts, which aim at food security and enable the needy to spend on other stuff..

While an absolute poverty ratio can be derived from the latest HCES data, the expense patterns in the Fact Sheet seem to back the Centres claim of 250 million people having been lifted out of multidimensional poverty in the nine years from 2013-14 to 2022-23..

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