Here’s how: To get more books and reading into your life

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Key Points

To break free from the constant scroll of memes, start with straightforward writing and pick a subject that already interests you..

Forget whatthe smartpeople are reading.Top 10 classics,the best books of the year,super cuts of the greatest books of all time,the JCB shortlist,theNobel-winners library, theBooker longlist, ObamasKindle picks theyreallcurated by folks who already read voraciously..

Keep it visible.Dontstow the Kindle in an out-of-the-way drawer,dontstackto-readpaperbacksalong a high ledge,dontkeep books in pretty corners that never get visited..

Stophacking andtracking.Ifitsgoing to be about chapters finished per day,reading speeds, books completed per month,itsgoing to fizzle out very soon..

Focus on enjoying booksand keeping the momentum going.Abandon the boring ones halfway, get a new book before thepreviousone is finished, readanother book by the same author, re-read afavouriteas a palate cleanser,start a book with Audible and finish it on the Kindle,and put your phone on silent when you read..