When I had my children, I had to learn to give up control

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At first, watching my kids struggle broke my heart, but I realized everything was a chance to learn...

I used to compare their more-spirited moods to larger-than-life creatures, like dinosaurs, dragons, and yetis, the latter of which matched my older son's mop of bedhead each morning..

During my older son's first preschool Halloween, in 2017, he flat-out refused to wear the race-car driver costume he had picked out..

I consider them the original "yeti whisperers" because they knew how to help guide the boys' big feelings and, perhaps, mine in productive ways...

Thinking back on that idyllic, snuggly moment by the window, I know it was unfair of me to ask my son not to break my heart because he's going to break it in a million ways every day..