I got divorced after 28 years. It was hard on my college-aged kids.

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My husband left after 28 years together: I worry about how divorce may affect our college-aged kids..

I wanted to appear calm, not like the hot mess I was when I picked my son up from the airport last summer, weeks after his father left me and our 28-year marriage, saying we were "better off as friends."..

Though most studies on divorce will tell you that it's harder on elementary-school-aged kids, others actually say that it's more difficult for children who are older and more cognitively developed...

My sons are 19 and 21. They attend college away from home, and I don't have to worry about shared-custody arrangements..

What I do have to worry about are the emotional effects of my marriage's dissolution on children who are old enough to understand that when I cry, it means more than just "Mommy's just feeling sad today.".