Political Line | When Modi goes to Atmanirbhar America

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The amended thought a change from the previous that married shared interestsandvalues stems from the rationale that the U.S. should not worry too much about what is happening inside India; instead, it must focus on its interest in building ties with India..

The readers of Political Line are more intelligent than to buy into the notion that U.S. policies abroad are crafted with any particular values in mind.But a constant drumbeat of values had become an inevitable accompaniment to the U.S.-India duet, and U.S. foreign policy claims in general...

Biden and his Democratic colleagues (and their Republican counterparts) run a politics built of collective paranoia, imagined internal enemies, targeting of political adversaries, rhetoric on external threats, and worship of the military and militarism as unquestionable..

Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishanker said India too might have opinions about what is happening in the U.S. Some hypocrisy may be essential for all relations, but the over-the-top moralistic claims of the U.S. had become paradoxical in the light of the intolerance its ruling establishment shows to criticism of what it decides is national interest...

And as Rahul Gandhi himself told his U.S. audiences: there is nothing much that divides the Indian political class on foreign policy unlike in the U.S. In fact, as I had written in my book on India-U.S. relations, Mr. Modis foreign policy can be termed strategic autonomy on steroids...