Looking back: The memoir by a top bureaucrat is more academic than juicy

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If they conceal more than they reveal, their account runs the risk of being termed superfluous...

Notwithstanding this, bureaucrats should be encouraged to write memoirs, because if journalism is termed as the first draft of history, accounts of bureaucrats serve as primary source material..

Tandon, who served as joint secretary in Indira Gandhis secretariat, wrote an exhaustive account of those times, which provides rich insights into machinations of our rulers..

Chandrasekhars account could have been richer and more interesting had he delved deeper into these aspects in his book, but sadly he has dealt with them in a manner of a true bureaucratrationally explain them to conclude that there was no wrongdoing either on part of the government or Manmohan Singh..

Since it leaves the readers with lot of food for thought, for people interested in theory and practice of public administration and economic policy making, Chandrasekhars account is quite informative and insightful...