India makes sweeping changes in ministries from aviation and telecom to parliamentary affairs

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India has reshuffled and appointed secretaries in various key departments and ministries ranging from parliamentary affairs, civil aviation to mines at a time when the relevant industries are seeing major developments...

Narula will be replacing Gudey Srinivas, who will move to take up the role of secretary at National Commission for Scheduled Castes under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowement...

Bhardwaj will take be appointed as Officer on Special Duty, Ministry of Panchayati Raj, in the rank and pay. of Secretary to the Government of India, replacing Sunil Kumar upon his superannuation on October 31...

Ashish Upadhyay, now special secretary and financial advisor in the Ministry of Power, will move to National Commission for Backward Classes as the secretary and replace Rajeev Ranjan upon his superannuation on December 31...

Among other appointments, Katikithala Srinivas was named as new secretary in the minority affairs ministry, Shashi Ranjan Kumar as secretary in Union Public Service Commission and Sanjay Rastogi as additional secretary & financial advisor in the youth affairs & sports ministry..