Revolutionary Alzheimer’s Treatments Can’t Help Patients Who Go Undiagnosed

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It has been the leading cause of death for women since 2011, says Hilary Evans, CEO of Alzheimers Research UK and cochair of the UK Dementia Mission..

One in two of us will be affected by dementia either by caring for someone with the condition or developing it ourselves...

We need to look back at how we started off the first generation of treatments for diseases like HIV, which often had limited efficacy and difficult side effects, but paved the way for combination medicines that have revolutionized outcomes for the next generation of people with the condition.. Evans has reasons for optimism..

Developing safer and more effective drugs is really a matter of when and not if.. Evans, however, is concerned that these new treatments will remain out of reach for patients if they cant receive a timely and accurate diagnosis..

The retina is a particularly attractive target because its closely related to brain tissue and can be examined noninvasively during routine eye checks, Evans says.. Alzheimers UK is also supporting research to find blood biomarkers for the disease..

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