Air So Polluted It Can Kill Isn’t Being Taken Seriously Enough

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In the following months, she got worse and began suffering from coughing syncopecoughing episodes so violent that they caused her to black out due to a lack of blood supply to the brain..

That possibility came to light only after Kissi-Debrah was contacted by a reader of the local newspaper who had read about her story and suggested that she check the air pollution levels on the day Ella died..

After nine days of deliberation, the inquest concluded that Ella died of asthma contributed to by exposure to excessive air pollution..

It added: Ellas mother was not given information about the health risks of air pollution and its potential to exacerbate asthma..

Given the evidence at the inquest, the coroner also issued a Prevention of Future Deaths Report, which had a series of recommendations, such as ensuring that national air pollution levels be in line with WHO guidelines, that the public in England and Wales be made aware of the risks of air pollution, and that health professionals be educated on the health impacts of air pollution and inform patients accordingly...