Meet 'Loki': Newly discovered dinosaur named after the god of mischief

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hey have aptly named it after Loki, the norse god who boasts a two-horned crown..

The dinosaur, dubbed Lokiceratops rangiformis, pushes the boundaries of our understanding of ceratopsian dinosaurs and their ecosystems...

In a groundbreaking paleontological discovery, scientists have unearthed a new species of horned dinosaur that roamed the subtropical coastal plains of what is now northern Montana in the United States approximately 78 million years ago...

These unique features, reminiscent of the Norse trickster god Loki's weaponry, inspired its scientific name.. . Reconstructed fossil skull bones of Lokiceratops are displayed at the Museum of Evolution in Denmark..

Perhaps most intriguing is the discovery that Lokiceratops shared its habitat with four other horned dinosaur species, challenging previous beliefs about ceratopsian diversity in a single ecosystem..