Earth sees first light from dim companions hiding around eight bright stars

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These targets were observed using GRAVITY, an advanced near-infrared interferometer at the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope in Chile...

Astronomers have successfully captured images of faint celestial objects orbiting close to bright stars, a feat previously considered extremely challenging...

The study, led by Thomas Winterhalder of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), combined data from ESA's Gaia space telescope with ESO's GRAVITY instrument, revealing eight hidden companions to luminous stars...

The research team began by scouring Gaia's catalogue of stellar orbits, identifying eight stars suspected of having companions based on subtle wobbles in their paths...

Gaia's precise measurements of star positions and movements guided GRAVITY to the exact locations for imaging, allowing it to detect objects at incredibly small separation angles - equivalent to viewing a one-Euro coin from 100 km away.. . ) ..