Ecuador Is Literally Powerless in the Face of Drought

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During times of low water, Ecuador has few options to meet its baseline energy demands, because it doesnt have any other major energy sources, says Proao Aviles..

Colombia and Peru usually trade energy with Ecuador, but they wont sell their electricity right now because they too have had to ration water for their dams..

Studies have projected that between 2000 and 2071, hydropower generation in Ecuador could see anything from a 55 percent drop to a 39 percent increase, depending on the climate change scenario, says Michel...

Proao Aviles notes that private investment will be an essential step, as it can help fund renewable energy projects faster than the government can alone.. Finally, energy and water conservation are essential tools, no matter the region..

As climate change alters weather patterns and increases the frequency of extreme events, proactive and comprehensive management are crucial to prevent widespread energy criseswhether in South America, the US, or Asia..