How to Avoid Getting Sick This Summer

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Key Points

But while the sun may be shining, there is a dark side that can make the great outdoors not so great...

Gangs of germs are lurking in the woods, in the soil, in the water, and in your food, ready to rain on your summer parade...

To make sure people leave your party with only good memories, be aware of germs commonly linked to food poisoning, which can result in diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting, and fever...

Pregnant people need to take special care in avoiding Toxoplasma, since the parasite can cross the placenta and cause miscarriage or birth defects...

To avoid getting toxoplasmosis from oocysts, people should wear gloves while gardening, wash fruits and vegetables, and make sure the sandbox is free of cat poop and covered when not in use...