Each of the Past 12 Months Broke Temperature Records

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It was the warmest June in the instrumental temperature record, but monthly records haven't exactly been unusual in a period where the top 10 warmest years on record all occurred in the past 15 years..

And monthly records have often occurred in years that are otherwise unexceptional; at the time, the warmest July on record had occurred in 2019, a year that doesn't stand out much from the rest of the past decade...

NASA hasn't released its results for May's temperatures yetthey're expected in the next few daysbut it's very likely that the results will also show a yearlong streak of records...

Beyond records, the EU is highlighting the fact that the one-year period ending in May was 1.63 degrees Celsius above the average temperatures of the 18501900 period, which is used as a baseline for preindustrial temperatures..

While it's likely that temperatures will drop below the target again at some point within the next few years, the new records suggest that we have a very limited amount of time before temperatures persistently exceed it...

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