Leaked emergency audio from Space Station creates panic. Nasa reveals what happened

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They audio discussed preparing the commander for hyperbaric treatment and oxygen therapy after "severe DCS hits," with DCS standing for decompression sickness...

A simulated audio clip discussing a medical emergency on the International Space Station (ISS) caused a brief panic after being mistakenly broadcast on the Nasa livestream...

The audio featured a flight surgeon discussing a scenario where the commander required hyperbaric treatment for decompression sickness, a serious condition caused by rapid changes in pressure...

A female voice asks crew members to "get commander back in his suit", check his pulse and provide him with oxygen, later saying his prognosis was "tenuous", according to copies of the audio posted on social media..

Decompression sickness, also known as the bends, occurs when dissolved gases in the body form bubbles due to a rapid decrease in environmental pressure..

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