The Case for MDMA’s Approval Is Riddled With Problems

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A lack of effective treatment options has led some patients to seek out the psychedelic drug MDMA, also known as ecstasy, to help relieve their symptoms when traditional medications and therapy dont work...

Lykos Therapeutics, which has been testing MDMA alongside psychotherapy in clinical trials for years, had a chance this week to prove that the combination is effective at treating PTSD..

Committee members also noted that Lykos was missing data on the drugs effects on liver function and whether participants went on to abuse MDMA after the trial...

Lykos stands by its research and representatives for the company said during Tuesdays hearing that many patients enrolled in its trials showed meaningful benefits from MDMA-assisted therapy..

In a statement after Tuesday's meeting, Lykos CEO Amy Emerson said the company remains committed to finding a path forward for MDMA-assisted therapy and is working with the FDA to address outstanding questions.. And while patients positive experiences cant be discounted, the FDA will be more interested in data rather than anecdotes..