Sunita Williams to launch aboard Starliner on 3rd mission to space today

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The launch readiness review, held earlier at Nasa's Kennedy Space Center in Florida, confirmed that all systems, facilities, and teams supporting the test flight are ready for liftoff...

Nasa astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams are set to make history as the first crew to launch aboard Boeing's Starliner spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) on Saturday...

The mission marks a significant milestone in Nasa's Commercial Crew Program, which aims to provide safe and reliable transportation for astronauts to and from the orbiting laboratory...

The duo, both seasoned space travelers, will embark on a week-long mission to the ISS, testing the Starliner spacecraft's capabilities and demonstrating its readiness for operational crew flights...

However, the spacecraft has since undergone extensive testing and modifications, and the Crew Flight Test mission is expected to demonstrate its capabilities in supporting human life and conducting research in space...

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