Neuralink’s First User Is ‘Constantly Multitasking’ With His Brain Implant

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Key Points

It was very cool to see the richest man in the world, possibly one of the most powerful men in the world, taking an interestyou just dont see this kind of funding go into things for handicapped people...

They showed me a screen with different channels on it, and they said they were real-time signals that the Neuralink was picking up in my brain..

By body mapping, you mean that you would think about moving your hand or your finger in a certain way and Neuralink would correlate that with a certain neural signal?..

Neuralink put out a blog post recently about your first 100 days with the device, and it mentioned that some of the implants threads, which are dotted with electrodes that read your neural activity, pulled out of your brain..

I mentioned this in [Neuralinks] all-hands meeting, and I think it would be so freakin cool if I had a [Tesla] Optimus robot that I could control with it that would do basically everything for me and be a caretaker..

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