2000-year-old skeleton reveals how a woman was victim of human sacrifice

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The analysis of the woman's remains, estimated to be in her late twenties at the time of her death, paints a picture of a physically demanding and arduous existence...

In a chilling discovery, archaeologists from Bournemouth University have uncovered evidence suggesting that a young woman from the Iron Age may have been the victim of a rare ritualistic human sacrifice...

The team's findings, published in the Antiquities Journal, shed light on the life and brutal death of this individual, offering a rare glimpse into the harsh realities faced by those at the bottom of the social hierarchy over 2,000 years ago...

Unlike other burials found at the site, where the deceased were treated with respect and accompanied by offerings, this woman was found lying face down on a deliberately constructed crescent-shaped arrangement of animal bones at the bottom of a pit...

"Being able to humanise the story of this woman's life has given us a valuable glimpse into the other side of Iron Age society," said Dr. Martin Smith, Associate Professor in Forensic and Biological Anthropology at Bournemouth University...