Video: Meteor lights up the sky over Spain, Portugal, stuns skygazers

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Social media users were amazed as well as thrilled at the same time to witness the rare celestial event of a meteor shower and shared what they thought of it on the internet...

But that's exactly what happened in Spain and neighbouring Portugal on Saturday night.. Residents in both these countries were in for a spectacular visual treat when a sudden meteor shower illuminated the night skies, marking an experience of a lifetime...

People who got to witness the dazzling meteor show captured it on their cameras and took to social media to share different shades of the rare celestial event...

The eye-catching meteor spectacle came two weeks after a forecast said that meteors would be streaking across the sky in the coming days as Earth passes through the dusty debris left behind by the famous Halley's Comet, igniting the annual Eta Aquariid meteor shower...

Meteors, also known as shooting stars or falling stars, are space rocks and other material that burn up as they plummet through Earth's atmosphere, leaving behind bright streaks in the sky...