Woman, 53, solo polyamorous after 13-year marriage didn't work

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Jennifer Keller, 53, got pregnant in her 20s and stayed with the father for 13 years.After they divorced, she discovered polyamory, and has been solo polyamorous for three years.Solo polyamory means having multiple partners, no primary partner, and an independent lifestyle...

To me, solo polyamory means having relationships which are fulfilling, meaningful, and loving, but my primary relationship is with myself..

I'm in relationships but I'm not looking to get on the "relationship escalator," where there's the expectation that you're dating, then you get serious, then you're exclusive, then partners, and then maybe you get married or form a domestic partnership...

I think of my relationships like bubbles, separate from each other as opposed to the stereotypical image of polyamory with partners sitting around a kitchen table, where they all know each other and all communicate with each other...

So, my ideal solo polyamorous setup would be one or two main folks and then the ability to date and have flings or short relationships...

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