My partner is kind, affectionate and emotionally open. I want to break up with him

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My partner is kind, affectionate and emotionally open, but Im having huge doubts about our compatibility..

Im buying my own place, which is stressful, while he leads a life lacking in responsibility (he lives at home)..

I know it can be maddening when someone answers a dilemma with a question, but what attracted you to this kind, affectionate, emotionally open slacker in the first place?.

Your frustration about the disparity in your life choices is palpable; I was curious about whether your partners circumstances have changed since you met and whether you had ever considered living together...

Then state that you do not see any future and that you dont want him to hold out any hope of getting back together.. But I sense ambivalence in your letter and Ben-Ari mentions that situations like yours are often created because one person is sending out mixed messages..