PM Economic Advisory Council calls for regulating AI via complex adaptive system approach

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The Economic Advisory Council to the PM, in its working paper, has called for need to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) through a complex adaptive system (CAS) approach that will include establishing guardrails and partitions, mandating manual overrides and authorization chokepoints, mandatory audits for transparency and accountability, laying out liability protocols and setting up of a specialist regulator for the sector...

Rapid development of AI has raised substantial concerns about the risks associated with uncontrolled AI propagation with potential dangers, such as the prospect of runaway AI (under-controlled AI), where systems might recursively self-improve beyond human control and misalign with human welfare, EAC-PM said in its working paper...

Sanjeev Sanya, member, EAC-PM wrote the working paper along with Pranav Sharma, consultant (Science Diplomacy) and Chirag Dudani, assistant consultant (EAC-PM)...

According to the paper, this and other more substantiated concerns have led to a growing demand for regulatory frameworks that ensure AI development and deployment are conducted safely, ethically, and transparently, safeguarding against risks like systemic breakdowns, loss of privacy, national security threats, and compromised critical infrastructure...

By applying strategies similar to financial regulators in India and the US, such as partitions, transparency standards, control points, and accountability measures, AIs development can be steered responsibly, ensuring safety and ethical deployment akin to the orderly functioning of financial markets, it said..