An AI failure database can help foster innovation safety

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In short order, the government announced that the output of this AI model was in violation of Indian law and that attempts at eluding liability by claiming that the technology was experimental would not fly..

In 2009, when Air France Flight No. 447 stalled at high altitude, an investigation of the incident led to industry-wide improvements in air-speed sensor technology and stall recovery protocols..

Its primary purpose is to collate the history of harms and near-harms that have resulted from the deployment of AI systems, so that researchers, developers, and policymakers can use them to better understand risks and develop superior safeguards..

We need to take the idea of the AI Incident Database and globalize it, so that, through a consensus of like-minded nations, we can not only help companies overcome their AI failures, but also allow the industry as a whole to redesign their systems to account for these consequences..

This will call for a shift in approachfrom a closed inward focused mindset to one that encourages more open development. It will also call for a more systematic approach to the recording and analysis of mishaps, so that they can not only be reliably summoned, but offered to developers, researchers and policymakers in a non-judgemental environment that will allow us to learn from our mistakes..

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