Police, 4,000 protesters clash in Spain over Catalan amnesty law

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Spanish police on Monday night used batons to charge against a group of people protesting, some using fire flares, outside the ruling Socialist Party headquarters in Madrid against a proposed amnesty law related to Catalonia's independence drive...

The amnesty law has been proposed by acting Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who is trying to form a government after a July election produced no outright winner, in exchange for the backing of two Catalan separatist parties to a new term by Sanchez..

The Socialists are reportedly nearing their negotiations with Puigdemont's party, Junts, while the proposed law has been fiercely criticized by conservative parties and judges who accuse Sanchez of jeopardizing the rule of law...

Wrapped in Spanish flags, some protesters chanted "Sanchez to prison" and "Puigdemont to prison" and others held a banner that read "Spaniards have the right and the duty to protect Spain"...

The protest was organised by a Spanish nationalist grassroots organization and smaller protests took place in other Spanish cities such as Barcelona.. "To attack the PSOE offices is to attack democracy and all those who believe in it," Sanchez posted on X, using the Socialist Party acronym in Spanish...