About 88% of professionals in India are considering a new job in 2024: LinkedIn

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Nearly 88% of professionals in India are considering a new job in 2024, an increase of 4% from last year, shows a new research by professional networking platform LinkedIn...

Instead, theyre taking ownership of their careers and want to make up for lost time by focusing on productivity and career growth, according to the research...

As Indian professionals take charge of their careers in 2024, its going to get increasingly competitive with more professionals entering the job market, Nirajita Banerjee, career expert and senior managing editor for LinkedIn India, said..

To be successful in their job hunt, it's essential for professionals to stand out by dedicating time to spruce up their profiles, highlighting their skills, and staying informed about industry developments..

While professionals are bullish, they are finding it hard to keep up with the rapid change in the skills required to do some jobs, largely because of the rapid developments in artificial intelligence (AI)...