'I like the name because it's a medicinal plant and has many benefits': WHO Director-General on being call

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On the EG.5 strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus being recently classified by the World Health Organisation (WHO) as a variant of interest, Ghebreyesus said it is important to continue to remain vigilant.AgenciesPM.

Countries of all income groups should invest in primary health care (PHC), which can provide more than 80 per cent of services and also help detect outbreaks of pandemics at an early stage, Ghebreyesus said...

He said the WHO supported India's Ayushman Bharat initiative ever since it was announced because it believes that countries should invest in primary health care..

In any health system, Ghebreyesus said, a strong primary health care is key because most of the services can be provided at primary healthcare level more than 80 per cent...

Sharing his experience of visiting the HWC, Ghebreyesus said he was glad to witness first-hand how it functions, including the telemedicine service provided by a doctor to a patient remotely, sitting 40 kilometres from here.. And I'm really happy that not only services provided here, but the patients, instead of travelling to far places and spending on transport fees and so on, can get additional services remotely and that's what we have witnessed one person getting the benefit of the telemedicine, he said...