Meet ChatGPT’s Right-Wing Alter Ego

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Musk is far from the only person worried about political bias in language models, but others are trying to use AI to bridge political divisions rather than push particular viewpoints...

Several weeks ago, after documenting what he considered liberal-leaning answers from the bot on issues including taxation, gun ownership, and free markets, he created an AI model called RightWingGPT that expresses more conservative viewpoints..

Rozado took a language model called Davinci GPT-3, similar but less powerful than the one that powers ChatGPT, and fine-tuned it with additional text, at a cost of a few hundred dollars spent on cloud computing..

Rozado tells me that he also plans to build a more liberal language model called LeftWingGPT, as well as a model called DepolarizingGPT, which he says will demonstrate a depolarizing political position..

Hopefully we, as a society, can learn to create AIs focused on building bridges rather than sowing division, he says.. Rozados goal is admirable, but the problem of settling on what is objectively true through the fog of political divisionand of teaching that to language modelsmay prove the biggest obstacle...

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