Feeling hungry? Looking at pictures of food on your phone might help, reveals study

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While the former could make you happy, there is a chance that the latter could actually satiate your hunger without you having to eat anything.. Prevailing knowledge would suggest that looking at images of food on the internet awakens hunger..

For example, you might think that looking at a picture of biryani could make you crave one...

But a research study published in the peer-reviewed journal Appetite suggests that images of food can have the exact opposite effect..

The participants who were shown the picture many times also chose a smaller portion than those who had only seen the picture three times, when we subsequently asked about the size of the portion they wanted, said Tjark Andersen, lead author of the study, in a press statement...

It may come across as strange to know that the participants in the study felt full without eating anything but this is only natural, according to Andersen..