Benefits of exercise, diet akin to psychological treatment for depression

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Home / Health / Benefits of exercise, diet akin to psychological treatment for depression..

New Delhi, August 3. Benefits of physical exercise and a good nutritional diet are as effective as psychological treatment for depressionone of the most common mental disorders worldwideclaimed a study...

Treating depression with exercise and a proper diet could also prove to be a cost-effective method for the mental health condition that ranks among the top 25 causes of global disease burden...

The study, published in The Lancet Regional Health, proved that diet and physical exercise have the potential to provide mental health care with no lesser effects than cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) -- a type of talk therapywith psychologists..

The researchers stressed the need to replicate the study on a larger scale to increase access to allied health professionals who, with adequate training and guidelines, can deliver mental healthcare at a comparable cost to psychologists..

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