Beauty and the Bias: India Inc needs more sensitivity

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Totapally got to know that the young employee on the last leg of her night shift at the five-star hotel did not want to work in the hospitality sector..

At a time when corporates are holding in-house sessions and audits on diversity, equity and inclusion, a primitive gauge for screening a candidates potential, physical appearance, still seems embedded deeply in our and therefore our corporate cultures DNA..

This beauty bias, often called lookism, is arguably getting accentuated as we get used to and mistakenly accept artificial enhancements of physical beauty around us as mere adjustments of reality..

Although some sectors that are customer facing lay emphasis on physical attributes quite openly, even back-end jobs often have executives who apparently get judged by their peers and seniors by how they look..

While eradicating biases is not a feasible solution in the short-term, efforts could at least be made to acknowledge them and let heightened sensitivity to their unfairness play the role of a social self-regulator..