What are your chances of getting an H-1B visa? These stats will give you an idea

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An H-1B temporary worker is generally a noncitizen admitted to the United States to perform services in a specialty occupation..

In FY 2022, there were more petitions filed for initial employment and continuing employment than in any of the previous four years.. . USCIS approved 442,043 H-1B petitions in FY 2022, more than in each of the prior four years..

Among beneficiaries approved for initial employment, nearly two-thirds (65%) were between 25 and 34 years old.. Beneficiaries approved for continuing employment were slightly older, with nearly two-thirds (62.8%) between 30 and 39 years old.. Level of education..

A greater share of beneficiaries approved for initial employment had earned a doctorate (12.5%) or professional degree (4.3%) compared to continuing employment (5.5% and 2.6%, respectively.)..

The most common industry sector among employers of H-1B workers in FY 2022 was the professional, scientific, and technical services sector, which accounts for half (46.2%) of all approved petitions for H-1B workers...