The Deaths of Effective Altruism

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Just as I was finishing my work on aid, a young philosopher from Oxford gave a lecture at my university, saying that all he was doing was improving poor peoples lives..

Yet today even GiveWells own estimates show that almost a third of nets are not hanging over a bed when monitors first return to check on them, and GiveWell has said nothing even as more and more scientific studies have been published on the possible harms of bed nets used for fishing..

In a subsection of GiveWells analysis of the charity, youll find reports of armed men attacking locations where the vaccination money is keptincluding one report of a bandit who killed two people and kidnapped two children while looking for the charitys money..

If you donate enough money to a charity that gives out insecticide-treated bed nets, MacAskill says, you will save the life of someone who otherwise would have died of malariajust as surely as if you ran into a burning building and dragged a young child to safety...

(The first book tells you where to give your money; the second tells you how to run most of your life.) Up front, MacAskill says that he has relied heavily on an extensive team of consultants and research assistants and that the book represents more than a decade of full-time work, including almost two years of fact-checking...