Picnic for Libras, prom for Leos: 12 party theme ideas that perfectly match each zodiac sign

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Fret not, and leave it to your stars..

Whether you are a hardcore horoscope believer or a side-eyeing skeptic; these zodiac themes will make your party the talk of the town..

Blast to the past party theme, sprinkled with dollops of nostalgia, is right up the alley of this Zodiac sign..

Fierce and passionate, they would love a High-school-themed party, coupled with an award show and a slow dance, which would make the Leos go gaga, because of course at the end of the day, they will surely win the Prom King/Queen...

This earth sign would love a good Murder-Mystery-themed party, channeling their inner Sherlocks with their problem-solving skill and attention to detail...