Why I quit journalism and joined politics—media is muzzled, opposition isn’t

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Ive been a journalist and columnist for overthreedecades, having worked in both print and television. Today,I amMember of Parliament-electfor theRajya Sabha from the All-India Trinamool Congress..

Many are asking: why would a journalist,especially someone who haspreviouslyinveighed against journalists taking Rajya Sabha berths, throw past statements to the wind and choose to now join a political party?.

That too an opposition party when we are heading into the 2024generalelection, whichisapparently a done deal for the ruling BJP?Thiselectionis seen as one that willestablish India as a single-leader, single-party democracy,where, ifanalystsare to be believed, the opposition has no hope of winning...

What kindofdemocracy do we want to be?Do we want ademocracy where a brute electoral majority stamps out dissenting voices,andwherejournalistsareeitherparalysed by fear or tread so cautiously that they areforever indanger of falling off the tightrope they are forced to walk?.

Shockingly, the attack on Wagle by BJP workers wasreportedlyendorsed by the localpartychief.In 2020,journalistSiddique Kappanfrom Keralawas arrestedin Uttar Pradeshand charged under theanti-terror lawUAPAsimplybecause he was travelling to reportona heinous crimein Hathras.He had to struggle for two years to get bail...